A pleasantly smelling dog::

When your dog has just been to the grooming salon or you’ve washed him yourself, your dog naturally smells wonderful. Unfortunately, the freshly washed scent tends to disappear after about a week. We let many dog lovers smell different fragrances. We wanted a scent that wasn’t too overpowering. A subtle scent that makes you think, “Hey, what’s that, it smells nice.” We succeeded. Many enthusiastic reactions.

How nice is it when you come back from a walk in the rain and your dog is dried off, you can just spray on the Bubbles perfume and he smells good again. Of course, it doesn’t have to have rained to use the Bubbles perfume. We even have customers who keep the Bubbles perfume by the dog leash. After their morning walk, they give a little spray, and the whole day they have a pleasantly smelling dog.